Wednesday, February 3, 2010


"Early Messages" by Dar Freeland
images & text © 1997-2011 Dar Freeland | all rights reserved

Since we are all contemplating our individual situations of "Love" - it felt useful to share something I learned recently. We've all heard "this too shall pass" - yet I've witnessed for years that imprints collected over a life of emotional wounding - don't "pass." They embed in our emotional memories and arise to ask for healing recognition and release on a regular basis. But do we notice them and respond? Do we honor the past once and for all with our validation or gloss over the feelings, pushing them farther down to emerge again as an "issue?"

Once we acknowledge the source of our pain or aggravation, then the energy of the wound holds no further purpose and will release. This is a concept I've attempted to convey for many years, in teaching how to honor one's feelings. We are not "crazy" or over reacting when we feel passionate about a thing...we are usually reacting to a "stack" of things that have the same energetic fingerprint - a sort of "straw that broke the camels' back." It isn't the one thing we are reacting to, it is the that one thing on top of a stack of history bearing the same imprint.

When something stacks up - our reactions aren't at that ONE thing, it backed by (the unconscious collected evidence) the STACK of things. So taking personal responsibility - and to give ourselves our own power back, we can look at the reaction of a thing and know we are not "crazy" - we can have compassion for self and others for carrying a stack of things, and know the reaction is leading us to our ultimate healing. Once we experience and honor the release of the past...the future can hold and/or express as nothing more than a benign response, or even better, a neutral event.

-- dar freeland

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Because WHAT Is Number One?

"The Machine" by Dar Freeland
images & text © 1997-2011 Dar Freeland | all rights reserved

I'm noticing so many people in anguish about money...creating dramas, wrapped in blames, tied up with bows of sarcasms and hurled angrily at their loved ones. Why?

Why does "paper" and all the significance we attach to it cause this kind of challenge - especially between people who truly LOVE each other? Does money and our perceived problems with, without, or about it - cause love to collapse under the weight of it?

If a loved one had cancer, would we say "f" you? Yet when a loved one has a money problem, we DO say "f" you. The stress of both/either has the potential to tear even the best relationships apart.

So what is the difference, other than money is so much more important in the head than our health? What sense does THAT make?

When we come together in cancer - somehow our love calls forth our passionate strength and we grasp hands, stand beside each other with respect and jump. TOGETHER.

When money problem raises its head and roars, we juggle the reasons and realities, point fingers and blame, then say "f" you. The price we put on how much, or little, or "than others"....on and on...the ego demands that we demolish the cause of the pain, and it since it MUST be YOU - the finger points and LOVE jumps off the cliff.


LOVE is the one, unshakeable solution, because the only one charge of "losing" it, is us.

--dar freeland